The 2003 Marriott Hotel bombing occurred on 5 August 2003 in Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Indonesia. A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb outside the lobby of the JW Marriott Hotel, killing twelve people and injuring 150. All those killed were Indonesian with the exception of one Dutch businessman. The hotel was closed for five weeks and reopened for public on 8 September. Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), an organisation allegedly affiliated with al-Qaeda, is suspected of responsibility for the bombing. 14 suspected Islamic militants have been arrested in connection with the attacks. The police conceded that they were in possession of information, gained from an interrogation, about possible JI strikes in the days before the attack. Possible targets where believed to include the Grand Hyatt, Mulia and the Marriott hotels, the Citraland and Kelapa Gading malls in Jakarta, along with various sites used by Christian congregations. Although police insisted that they were increasing security in these areas, in the case of the Marriott, the hotel's management says no warning was ever delivered. referensi :
CNN Xinhua
aih... syerem yah klo diingat-ingat lagi. Hotel JW Marriott itu lumayan bagus, pasti bikin nya pake duit tuch. apalagi sekarang mau dipugar dan direnovasi lagi, pasti keluar anggaran yang besar pulak.
*untuk para teroris, please deh... hentikan aksi kejahatan kalian.