Monday, April 30, 2007
Telkom Internasional to Be Fully Operational in May 2007
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) has assured that Telkom Internasional, its subsidiary abroad, will be fully operational by May 2007. The subsidiary of Telkom is projected to expand state-owned overseas telecommunication company.
Managing Director of Telkom Rinaldy Firmansyah has said that in the initial phase of the operation, Telkom Internasional will cooperate in developing a network with the world's bigger telecommunication operator such as BT Group Plc (was British Telecom), UK, and Singapore Telecommunication Limited, Singapore. “It will be aimed at supporting the target of Telkom growth,” Rinaldy told Tempo at Bidakara building, Wednesday (04/25).
He stated that the partnership agreement with SingTel in order to broaden the global network of communication services some time ago was a pioneer that will mark the operation of Telkom Internasional. The partnership was completed in order to meet Telkom's target in controlling 70 percent of the market of data communication services for corporations in Indonesia in 2007. This year, the business value of the data market is estimated to reach Rp2.5 trillion.
Data communication service is an Internet protocol-based service which aims at uniting a company's network that has broadened in other places. The service will help a company to control the performance of its branches.
Through the cooperation, he went on, it is expected that SingTel and Telkom can achieve 11-12 percent of the data communication business value in Asia Pacific, reaching US$500 million in 2007. “We have also built similar cooperation with BT,” he said. Labels: Internet News
posted by ojack_djakarta
9:11 AM

Saturday, April 28, 2007
Industrial Countries Most Responsible Over Global Warming
Forestry Minister Malam Sambat Kaban has said that industrial countries must be objective and appreciate Indonesia's attempt in reducing global warming. Indonesia, according to Kaban, has tried to set reforestation and rehabilitation critical land for reducing the impact over the increase of earth temperature due to forest damage. Within the last four years, Indonesia is capable of cutting down forests damaging as well as rehabilitating critical land. The rehabilitation attempt, said Kaban, is related to Indonesia's commitment in lessening earth warming. Developed countries, according to Kaban, should not always blame developing countries as the agent of the increase of earth temperature. The fact is that 80 percent of global warming originated from industry. “Industrial countries are the most responsible for global warming,” Kaban told Tempo this morning in Medan. Kaban will invite developing countries to strive for accountability from industrial countries over global warming. “Industrial countries must purchase clean air from countries that still have quite fine tropical forests such as Indonesia and Africa instead of accusing them that global warming was an impact of deforestation”, said Kaban.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News
posted by ojack_djakarta
11:31 AM

Microsoft to Survey Piracy in July
PT Microsoft Indonesia will conduct a survey on several pirated Microsoft software. The survey is planned to be carried out in July. Anti Sriharati Suryaman, License Compliance Manager of Small Midmarket Solutions and Partner of Microsoft Indonesia, said that the survey was aimed at figuring out the amount of pirated software. The reason for this is that at this time, Microsoft has only heard the amount of piracy from the other party. “Now, we will hold our own survey to obtain the precise data,” Anti said at the break of the commemoration of International HAKI (Intellectual Property Rights) Day at the Shangri-la Hotel, Jakarta, last night (04/26). She stated that the data will be utilized for an evaluation that Microsoft set up in order to analyze the way of decreasing the number. Microsoft will invite a third party to do the survey. According to Anti, within three years the amount of piracy on Microsoft software will decrease by 10 percent. However, Microsoft needs commitment and concept realization from the government in order to fight piracy. “We do not want it to be only ceremonial. We need law enforcement,” she said. Labels: Internet News
posted by ojack_djakarta
10:56 AM

Friday, April 27, 2007
Qatar Islamic Bank Applies to BI for Business License
The Qatar Islamic Bank has already applied for permission to establish a new Syariah bank in Indonesia. “We have asked them (the Qatar Islamic Bank) to complete the requirements first,” said Siti Fadriyah, Bank Indonesia (BI) Deputy Governor, after the “What we should learn from Shari’ah Economics” discussion in Jakarta. However, Siti did not want to say when the permit will be issued by BI. “We’re waiting for the requirements to be completed,” she said briefly. In accordance with current provisions, the central bank will issue the permit in the form of business or principal license 30 days after the requirements are completed. BI has also asked the Qatar Islamic Bank to establish a limited company in Indonesia. This is one of the requirements for establishing a new bank.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Business, Internet News, Money
posted by ojack_djakarta
12:31 PM

Open Source Community Should Set Up Companies
The government wants open source software developers to establish software companies. Information and Communication Minister Sofyan Djalil has said that up until now, open source users have experienced problems because there are no user support services. The support, said Sofyan, takes the form of usage consultation and assistance. “As a result, the users are forced to be independent,” he said yesterday (04/25) in Jakarta. The situation has resulted in open source software being considered less attractive by many computer users. In addition, open source community could also take part in computer software legalization tenders in regional government offices by forming companies. “So that government officials and general users know where to ask when they face a problem,” said Sofyan. In addition, the software legalization process would be cheaper and could empower local potential in developing software. According to Rusmanto, Editor-in-Chief of InfoLinux Magazine, there are already many open source developer companies. “They are innumerable,” said Rusmanto. In fact, all information technology companies in Indonesia are capable of providing open source software. Many information technology companies, said Rusmanto, are ready to join government computer software legalization tenders. “As long as the conditions are not discriminative and the tender is neutral,” he said. Based on research results, the use of open source can reduce cost by between 50 and 70 percent compared to using proprietary software.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News, People, Software
posted by ojack_djakarta
7:56 AM

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Communication Minister Defends Print Media
Sofyan Djalil, the Communication and Information Minister, has promised to fight for the annulment of the Tax Directorate General Regulation on Other Services and Net Revenue Assumptions. This regulation compels the mass media to pay income tax. “I ask for input from newspaper publishers as the basis for tax exemption for print media,” said Sofyan at the Information and Communication Department building, Jakarta, yesterday (24/4). He asked the Newspaper Publishers Union to submit the data and analysis on the newspaper industry and for this to be handed to the Finance Minister. Earlier, the Newspaper Publishers Union rejected that print media pay income tax, as stated in the Tax Directorate General Regulation No. PER-70/PJ/2007 on Other Services and Net Revenue Assumptions. The reason for this is that these tax impositions would greatly burden the media industry’s financial condition. In Attachment II of the Tax Directorate General Regulation, it is stated that media including services are imposed by 15 percent income tax of their net revenue. Media industry members, under the regulation, are assumed to be certain of acquiring 10 percent of net revenues. In reality, this is not the case because there are still other costs that media industry bears in production. Asmono Wikan, Director Executive of the Newspaper Publishers Union, promised to send the data and analysis on the newspaper production condition as asked by Sofyan. His institution will also meet the Tax Directorate General this Friday to convey the objection letter on tax imposition for media.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News, Politics, Tax
posted by ojack_djakarta
8:08 AM

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
BI Cautious of Private Sector’s Foreign Currency Loans
Bank Indonesia (BI) is cautious of the increase of the private sector’s loans in foreign currencies. This was conveyed during BI’s coordination meeting with Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Finance Minister yesterday (23/4). Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency at the Finance Department, Anggito Abimanyu, said that during the meeting BI asked how much financing in foreign currency was, especially for the 10,000 megawatt electricity generator mega-project. “BI Governor said not to let the private sector’s foreign currency loans be in excess. But we can only monitor it,” said Anggito at the Finance Department building, Jakarta, yesterday. He refused to comment on whether the private foreign currency loan is in excess so BI and the government are concerned this will cause Indonesia’s economy to break down – like the economic crisis in 1997-1998. “I have no comment on that issue. The current condition is different from before the crisis,” he said. State Minister for the National Development Planning concurrently Head of the National Development Agency (Bappenas), Paskah Suzetta, confirmed there are concerns that uncontrolled private foreign currency loans have the risk to trigger an economic crisis as in 1997. However, he said that neither the government nor BI can limit the incoming or outgoing capital flow like what Thailand does. “Those are private loans. How can we regulate them? Moreover, we follow the free foreign reserves system,” he explained. BI’s data shows that in late December 2006, private loans totaled US$51.131 billion. This number soared by US$1.1 billion from September’s US$50.056 billion. The government’s foreign currency loan was US$74.126 billion. From the private loans, US$39.18 billion belonged to banking and the remaining to the non-banking sector.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News, Loan, Politics
posted by ojack_djakarta
1:42 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Indonesia Not Yet Willing to Send H5N1 Virus Samples
Up until now. Indonesia has not yet been willing to send samples of the H5N1 virus to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) laboratory. Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said Indonesia will not send samples of the bird flu virus until the WHO agrees with Indonesia’s request. “If they want (the samples to be sent), it must be by agreement,” she said at the Health Department building, Jakarta, Monday (23/4). However, on March 27, the government and WHO reached an agreement about the bird flu virus sample shipment. The agreement was included in Jakarta Declaration, signed by WHO members a day after the agreement was reached. “We will send the virus to WHO as soon as possible,” said the Health Minister then. Before, Indonesia refused to send H5N1 virus samples to WHO. The reason was because the virus samples were used by other countries to make vaccines without Indonesia’s approval. This was in spite of the fact that the government did not allow the virus to be commercialized. In the Jakarta Declaration, Indonesia obligates WHO’s commitment not to abuse the viruses that are sent. The requirement, said Siti, will be discussed during the World Health Assembly meeting this May. She is optimistic that the requirement will be agreed to. Her reasoning is that Indonesia’s bargaining position in proposing the requirement is quite strong. “The one that has the goods (virus samples) is us,” she said. In addition, Siti explained developing countries that have the virus also support Indonesia’s measure, for example Vietnam and Thailand. “They back Indonesia,” she said.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Health, Internet News, People
posted by ojack_djakarta
8:36 AM

Monday, April 23, 2007
Hatta Delivers Ultimatum Regarding Airport Rail Link Project
Transportation Minister Hatta Radjasa has threatened to take over the airport rail link in Jakarta if no progress were not made by the end of 2007. “We cannot wait. It is urgent,” he said on Friday (04/20) at his office, Jakarta. He went on to he hoped that at least by the end of the year the detailed engineering design, financing and land acquisition would be completed. According to him, the airport rail link is not a difficult task should there a commitment and if it is done seriously. “What is the problem? It has been months and there is still no report,” said Hatta. The project is being executed by PT Rail Link, established in September of last year. PT Rail Link is a joint company between PT Kereta Api (60 percent) and PT Angkasa Pura II (40 percent). Hatta stated that the project was significant because it was expected that it may become one of the means to meet the target of 1.5 train passengers per day in Jakarta and its surrounding areas by 2009. The airport train is targeted to carry 9 million passengers per year, equal with 30 percent of total carrier passengers in Soekarno-Hatta, Cengkareng.
_____________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News, People, Politics
posted by ojack_djakarta
8:14 PM

Rp279 Trillion for Spot Market Oil
PT Pertamina has budgeted Rp279 trillion for importing crude oil and processed crude oil on the spot market this year. According to a Tempo source in the state-owned oil and gas company, the budget was attached to the 2007 working plan and company budget. “The amount of funds will total around 77 percent (of the company's revenues),” the anonymous Pertamina's official told Tempo last week in Jakarta. The company's revenues, according to the working plan and company's budget, will be Rp361.82 trillion. In addition, Pertamina’s profit is set to be around Rp23.78 trillion. The source was of the opinion that the large budget was because Pertamina tended to buy crude oil and processed oil in the spot market instead of signing long-term contracts. The anonymous source also confirmed a report that the government is pressuring the board of directors to buy with long-term contracts. “Because the oil purchasing price under a contract must be cheaper compared to the spot market,” said the source. However, Toharso, Pertamina's spokesperson, said that recently oil purchasing from the spot market was only 30 percent of total import needs. In addition, 70 percent of it was bought with three-month contracts. “The benchmark price was the specification of international price,” he said.
___________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News
posted by ojack_djakarta
5:34 PM

Tax for Industry that Produces Pollution
The implementation of sanctions over industry that produce pollution will be more effective than a moratorium of new vehicle manufacturing. Industrial pollution, said former Coordinating Minister for the Economy Rizal Ramli, was one the causes of the green-house effect that affects global warming. “There must be a financial sanction such as tax so that they reduce pollution gradually,” he said at the break of a discussion, “Settlement and Rehabilitation of Ecological Justice” yesterday (04/19). He responded to the plan of Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar's proposal of moratorium of new vehicle production if air pollution could not be reduced. So far, developed countries, said Rizal, have always accused Indonesia as the agent of global warming by virtue of deforestation. State and multinational companies that produced pollution and the greenhouse effect should have paid Indonesia for any pollution they created. However, developed countries such as the US in fact refused to be blamed and to sign the Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Emission Trading (CET). CET is a policy which regulates that industry be given the maximum pollutant rate that is admissible. Should it be abundant, industry should compensate.
__________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News, People
posted by ojack_djakarta
8:06 AM

Friday, April 20, 2007
Government Expects Oil Price to Remain at US$54 per Barrel
The Indonesian government has said it expects they the crude oil price could be maintained at between US$54 and US$55 per barrel. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro has said that the attempt to control the oil price can be achieved by securing oil supplies. “In the future, we will try to make oil price not dependant on the geopoliticsal situation, but on supply security so that oil price can be at around US$54-55 per barrel,” said Purnomo, yesterday (04/18). He stated that currently the crude oil price is at around US$63-65 per barrel, influenced by the conflict in Iran. This shows that geopolitics situation really does affect the movement of crude oil prices. For Indonesia, said Purnomo, the fluctuation of crude oil pricse will have an effect on Indonesia's revenues. “If oil price are high, oil revenues will also high,” he said. However, on the other side, the high oil price will influence other sectors so that it will tried to maintain oil prices at around US$54-55 per barrel. ____________ Tempo
Labels: Internet News, Politics
posted by ojack_djakarta
7:51 AM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tax Refund Arrears Increase
The number of tax refund arrears or those which have not been paid by the government to tax payers in the first quarter of 2007 totalled Rp7.3175 trillion. The number of tax refund arrears rose 73 percent from the same quarter in 2006, that was Rp 4.2199 trillion. According to the Tax Director General Darmin Nasution, the tax refund arrears occurred because they are the combination between the current year’s refund and that of the previous year. “In 2006 the tax refund was indeed low because of the Pademangan case at the end of 2005. So at that time we were very careful,” he said during the ‘Coffee Morning’ show with the reporters at the Finance Department, Wednesday (10/4). The decrease in 2006, he said, can be seen by comparing the refund in the first quarter in 2005 amounting to Rp5.98 trillion. “So in 2006, the Pademangan effect was felt,” he said. The refund amount in 2007, according to Darmin, was taken from the State Revenue Module (MPN) data of the Directorate General of Treasury at the Finance Department. So it was difficult to differentiate between the current year’s refund from the arrears. “The data is not quite right, because in January, reconciliation with banking about MPN perception is still needed,” he said. Labels: Internet News
posted by ojack_djakarta
7:59 AM

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Make Money Fast With Google Adwords
Do you want to make money fast? In this article we are going to talk about one of the fastest ways to make money online. Making money fast is not only possible there are people doing it everyday thanks to Google Adwords.
Google Adwords are designed so you can reach the targeted market of people looking for your product. It's easy to set up your ads and you control the amount of money you want to spend on a daily basis. What makes GoogleAds a way to make money fast is that you can see your ads online in just minutes of creating them. It only costs $5 to set up your account and there is no spending limit so this is a great way for anyone to get started making money online right away.
Google offers some great tools to track the success of your marketing campaign. They provide you with cost estimations and tools to help you control the price of your ads. They are very interested in your your success and seeing you attract qualified prospects in the most cost effective way possible. This is the backbone of the success of Google Ads. It works because the keywords you choose to advertise under bring up search results that match what your prospect is looking for therefore increasing your chances for a sale.
Here are some of the most common terms you'll see as you get started:
Keyword - The keywords you choose for a given Ad Group are used to target your ads to potential customers.
Campaign - A campaign consists of one or more Ad Groups. The ads in a given campaign share the same daily budget, language and country targeting, end dates, and distribution options.
Ad Group - An Ad Group contains one or more ads targeting one set of keywords. You set the maximum price you want to pay for an Ad Group keyword list or for individual keywords within the Ad Group.
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The internet offers many ways to make money fast. The nice thing about Google Adwords you can be advertising online with the most used search engine in minutes at a price you can afford. This truely allows you to make money fast and you can do it over and over with as many products as you want.
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About the author: Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online and make money websites available today. Labels: Money, Tips, Tutorial
posted by ojack_djakarta
3:58 PM

Monday, April 09, 2007
15,000 Children Lost Upbringing Rights
Aries Merdeka Sirait, Secretary General of the National Commission for Protecting Children, has revealed that around 15,000 children lost their upbringing rights because of their parents' divorces. “During 2006, at least 3,000 divorces occurred in Jakarta,” he said at the “Have Coffee with the National Commission for Protecting Children, Analyzing Children's Actual Problems” event, in his office yesterday (04/04). The high rate of split-up between husbands and wives, Aries continue, has impacted with the loss of the children's rights of upbringing from their parents. In addition, children's rights on being asked their opinions about their parents’ divorce have also been ignored all the time. “In fact, according to Law on Children's Protection Number 23/2002, children have the right to convey their opinion,” said Aries. The marginalized rights of children are ironic since most of the parents consider children as non-victims and only an effect of divorce. “In fact, it is clear that children have become the victims of their parents' egotism. They have often been tossed about in the struggle for upbringing rights,” said Aries. ___________ Sumber : tempo interaktif dot com Labels: Health, Internet News, People
posted by ojack_djakarta
12:26 PM

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Bendera Pusaka Dipindah ke Monas 20 Mei
Rencana Pemindahan Bendera Pusaka ke Monumen Nasional (Monas) akan dilakukan pada Hari Kebangkitan Nasional tanggal 20 Mei 2007 mendatang. Demikian diungkapkan Kepala Dinas Permuseuman DKI Jakarta, Aurora Tambunan, di Balai Kota, Senin (2/4). Aurora menuturkan, rencana pemindahan bendera pusaka itu akan dilakukan dengan sederhana, namun khidmat. "Pemindahan itu kita lakukan dengan sederhana, tetap dengan acara seremonial dan upacara yang khidmat," jelasnya. Seperti diwartakan sebelumnnya, penataan pelataran Taman Monas seluas 2,5 hektar yang dikerjakan sejak September 2006 akan rampung tahun ini. Menurut rencana peresmiannya bertepatan dengan pemindahan bendera pusaka dari Istana Negara ke Monas oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada Hari Kebangkitan Nasional 20 Mei 2007 mendatang. Kepala Dinas Pertamanan DKI Jakarta Sarwo Handayani mengatakan, dengan selesainya penataan pelataran Taman Monas akan semakin mempercantik kawasan Monas yang sebelumnya telah beroperasi air mancur menari dan menyanyi," ujarnya. "Pelataran Monas atau yang disebut Ruang Agung ditata dalam bentuk taman bermotif, hasil perpaduan pohon-pohon jenis tertentu dengan rumput," tutur Handayani. Adapun anggarannya sebesar Rp25 miliar. "Itu seluruhnya dikerjakan dan didanai swasta tanpa kompensasi apapun dari kita," jelasnya. Dalam lima tahun terakhir, kawasan Monas telah beberapa kali ditata ulang. Monas diberi pagar keliling pada 2002 senilai Rp9 miliar dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) DKI. Kemudian pembangunan air mancur menari dan menyanyi pada 2005 yang menelan biaya Rp 26 miliar yang dikerjakan pihak swasta. "Saat itu, kita memberi kompensasi dalam bentuk sejumlah titik reklame di jalan-jalan di Jakarta," katanya. _________________ Sumber : berita jakarta
Labels: Internet News
posted by ojack_djakarta
8:35 AM
