versi Indonesia
Inilah satu-satunya kelebihan yang dimiliki KG920. Dengan resolusi 5 megapiksel sangat mustahil anda bisa mendapatkan hasil gambar berukuran kecil. Semua fitur pendukungnya sangat membantu mendapatkan hasil gambar yang maksimal, layaknya kamera sungguhan. Dari luar saja sudah terlihat, terdapat dua buah lampu flash stroboscopic dan lampu diode. Jangan terlalu sering menggunakan kamera dengan bantuan lampu flash jenis pertama karena itu akan mengkonsumsi banyak daya. Di dalamnya masih terdapat shooting mode, filter, pengaturan kualitas, timer sampai resolusi gambar, White balance, ISO, dan Auto Focus. Bagi anda pemotret professional pastinya sudah tahu apa yang harus disetting dalam keadaan apapun.
Sayangnya hasil gambar tidak akan bisa tersimpan dalam memori internal ponsel karena secara otomatis akan terhubung langsung ke memori card. Kamera tidak akan berfungsi jika kartu memori anda tidak terpasang. Kamera ini juga mampu merekam gambar video, namun sayang resolusinya masih VGA dengan format 3GP, tentu saja dengan pergerakan 30 frame per second.
Ukuran LG KG920 memang cukup besar dan tebal. Bisa jadi semua dikarenakan banyaknya fitur dan elemen mahal yang terbenam di dalamnya. Selain kamera 5MP KG920 juga memiliki teknologi putar yang memungkinkan anda merotasi bagian keypad dan mengganti tampilannya menjadi kamera. Engsel putarnya sangat kuat sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir akan patah. Yang membuat ponsel ini tidak enak dilihat adalah tombolnya yang terlalu banyak. Numeric key, on/off, menu, clear dan navigasi terletak di bagian depan ponsel tepat di bawah layar. Sedangkan di samping layar masih terdapat 4 tombol shortcut ke MP3 player dan flash sedangkan dua yang di atasnya untuk memfungsikan zoom. Disampingnya masih ada tombol shortcut ke kamera yang dilengkapi dengan tombol volume di bawahnya. Tentu saja niatnya baik untuk mempermudah user menggunakan setiap fitur tanpa harus ribet kesana kemari.
Belum lagi di kanan masih ada port handsfree, USB/charger, dan mini SD. Anda dengan mudah dapat melepas baterai yang terletak di bagian belakang ponsel karena klip baterai yang membuatnya semakin mudah. Kamera yang sangat dibanggakan tersebut terletak di bawahnya lengkap dengan dua buah lampu flash dengan ukuran berbeda. Sangat ribet kelihatannya, untungnya semua tersusun rapi dan lubang port tertutup rapat dengan menggunakan penutup karet.
English version
We shall not compare LG KG920 and LG SV550 in this article, we will try our best to explain what strategy is used by Korean manufacturer, by introducing amazingly expensive handset, and will its hopes prevail instead.
Even though we promised not to compare these handsets, we shall describe the way companies release their over-expensed handsets on the market: Probably everyone knows American manufacturer Motorola. In the very beginning of RAZR V3’s sales its price went up to $1500. Of course the phone had its salt: slim case, metallic elements and great advertising campaign. A lot of celebrities were getting this model as present. See it for yourself the only possible way to promote this model via second and third hands is to say that this phone is used by greatest people this world has to offer. This influences young people, those who are passionate about pops, and on what’s trendy nowadays. Usually such clients don’t use even half of its handset’s abilities. In reality, people who can afford almost any handset, use completely different models: Siemens SL45, Nokia 8910, Sony Ericsson T68i. After some time RAZR V3’s price went down to a limit which can be reached even by those who have minimal incomes, they have the chance to touch the dream for $250. Can you imagine how those who got their RAZR V3 not as present, but for their own money, more than 300 % more money to be precise, feel? Situation with Nokia 8800 is slightly different. This phone also has metal elements, latest technologies, extended voice control features. This is definitely successful model, its popularity is proven by the fact that specially for ex-USSR market Nokia released black version of 8800. But have you seen a lot of people who are using accessories, that allow using all possibilities that these handsets have to offer? I for example often see people who are on their way to work, they use their Nokia N90 without headset. They just put this brick to their cheek and talk. It’s not only dangerous to speak like that when you are driving, it’s also inconvenient to hold a phone like that. Conclusion is simple: people in Russia and some other countries are not used to save money; they are used to show off their new toys in front of their friends, but they do not welcome you to their homes, since there’s nothing to show at all. But once they go out, they have a choice of golden or black Nokia 8800. New model from LG also tries to become one of expensive phones, and if in case with Motorola RAZR this handset lost its value with time, this will not happen to LG’s beast. Besides five megapixel camera, LG KG920 has a lot of other expensive technologies like loop which allows rotating the phone without worrying that one day it will break, QVGA-display. All these features are packed inside one slim case, and results in high price.